The World of Mike Armawa

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-My YouTube Channel-

US. America

Embark on a journey with me as I take you through the highlights of my life-changing experience in the United States of America. From coast to coast, I captured moments of my unforgettable year in this powerful superpower. This video playlist is a window into my American adventure - come explore the beauty, culture, and diversity of the USA with me.



Step into the tropical paradise of Bali, where natural beauty and rich culture come together. Explore the lush, forested volcanic mountains, the iconic rice paddies, relax on pristine beaches, and discover the vibrant coral reefs. Join me in discovering the hidden wonders and breathtaking landscapes of this paradise destination in this video playlist.



Join me on a journey back to my roots as I take you through the streets and landscapes of my beloved hometown, Central Sulawesi. Though it may not have the picturesque beauty of Bali, it holds a special place in my heart as the place where I spent my childhood and formative years. This video playlist is journey back to my beloved hometown.



Embark on an exciting visual voyage through Java playlist! Delve into the enchanting landscapes, vibrant cultures, and fascinating stories that define this diverse Indonesian island. From the majestic mountains to the serene beaches, each video offers a unique perspective, allowing you to immerse yourself in the beauty and richness of Java's heritage


My Blog

Explore the world with me here, where I share a diverse array of stories and thoughts about everything that catches my attention and interests. Here you'll find a collection of posts about my personal experiences, travel, and tourism destinations, as well as my journey through life. I like to write about places I've been, things I've seen, and people I've met. I'll also be sharing my thoughts on current events, culture and other interesting topics. This is a space where I can express myself freely, and I hope that you will enjoy reading my posts as much as I enjoy writing them.


Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

Friday, December 22, 2023



    During my internship program at St. Regis Bal Harbour Miami, one of the luxurious five-star hotel in sunny Miami, Florida, my senior colleagues invited me to join them on an exciting adventure to Colorado. It was a thrilling opportunity for us as Asians living near the equator, as we had never experienced snow before. Together with my colleague from Bali, we eagerly planned our trip to Colorado in November 2019, eager to explore the winter wonderland that awaited. Despite my initial invitation, my group friends declined to join, so it was just me with the senior's intern group venturing into this snowy escapade. Dividing into two groups, myself, Billy, Ricky, Lisa, Inten, and the other group Kevin, Boy, Dwiky, and Dewa, we set off on our journey, with Kevin's group leaving ahead of us.

    Our destination? The charming town of Breckenridge, nestled in the heart of Colorado. The town is renowned for being one of the top destinations for winter sports enthusiasts, especially during the ski season. Situated in the Rocky Mountains, Breckenridge offers stunning natural landscapes with towering peaks covered in snow during the winter months. Apart from being a haven for skiers and snowboarders, Breckenridge also offers various activities and attractions throughout the year. During the summer season, visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, fishing, and exploring the beautiful natural parks in the surrounding area. The town also boasts a picturesque downtown area with historic buildings, unique shops, and restaurants offering a wide range of local and international cuisine. Furthermore, Breckenridge is known for its festivals and cultural events held throughout the year, including music festivals, art festivals, and local cultural celebrations. With its welcoming and friendly atmosphere, Breckenridge is the perfect destination to visit both during the winter and summer seasons, offering unforgettable holiday experiences for travelers from around the world.
    After flying from Miami to Denver, we embarked on a picturesque three-hour drive to Breckenridge, reveling in the stunning snowy landscapes along the way. Upon arriving at our Airbnb, we took a moment to rest, enjoy a hearty meal, and admire the snowy scenery before reuniting with Kevin's group to explore the town. The following day, we ventured into downtown Breckenridge, indulging in souvenir shopping and tasting local delicacies. Later, we headed to a nearby snowboard resort, unfortunately, the resort was still closed. Nevertheless, the breathtaking scenery and occasional stops to soak in the beauty of Breckenridge's snow-covered landscape made the journey worthwhile.
    We too took the time to visit a adjacent lake for a few comfortable snow play, savoring within the characteristic magnificence that was a stark differentiate to our tropical origins. After a day filled with enterprise, we returned to our Airbnb to cook supper together. Within the evening, we arranged to explore Breckenridge's night vibes, but our plans took an unexpected turn when we were pulled over by the police for missing the stop sign on the cold, foggy night. In spite of the initial panic, the officers were understanding and offered friendly advice, reminding us to be cautious of signs as tourists.

    The following morning, we continued our exploration of Breckenridge, enjoying more local cuisine and searching for discounts at local shops. As the evening drawn closer, we reluctantly prepared to check out and head back to Denver. The drive back was filled with laughter and shared memories as we visited downtown Denver, enjoying its European-like ambiance and hunting for Asian restaurants. After a delightful meal together, we bid farewell to Colorado and headed to the airport for our return flight to Miami, cherishing the memories of our immensely enjoyable and unforgettable trip.

Monday, May 1, 2023



    Embarking on my first-ever mountain trek, especially to scale the highest peak in Java and the third-highest in Indonesia, was an extraordinary challenge. Yes, I was set to hike Mount Semeru. Although it wasn't my initial idea, the enthusiasm of my girlfriend and her friends to explore beyond Bali inspired the plan to hike Mount Semeru. Eventually, my girlfriend invited me to join, and I agreed, thanks to the flexibility of my online studies during the pandemic time. Before the trek, there were numerous preparations and group discussions. From setting the trip schedule to buying plane tickets from Bali to Surabaya, then train tickets to Malang, and arranging the hiking tour with the Semeru Bromo Tengger National Park agent, every detail was meticulously prepared. We also had to register for permission to enter Mount Semeru. However, there was a slight issue during the registration process, resulting in a delayed refund that hasn't been resolved yet. The next day, we tried registering again, and it was successful.

    On April 21, 2021, we set off for the airport for an early morning flight to Surabaya. Interestingly, six of my friends had online exams on the same day, so they took the exams at the airport. Fortunately, they finished before boarding the plane. Upon arrival in Surabaya, we headed to the train station for Malang. The train journey offered stunning views of nature. During the trip, I managed to attend online classes until we reached Malang. After that, we waited for transportation to the base camp in Toempang to prepare all the hiking necessities there. The next morning, we got ready to depart using an open jeep to Ranupani, the document verification point and the starting point for the Semeru trek. The journey to Ranupani was very enjoyable with the beautiful scenery of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Upon arrival at Ranupani, we went through document verification for the 3-day, 2-night trek. Before starting, we met two hikers who were looking for a group to join, but unfortunately, it didn't work out due to their shorter trek duration. After verification, the nine of us received a safety and environmental preservation briefing, crucial for Semeru's challenging trail. The trek began around 11 am, starting with an easy path through local fields before entering narrower and steeper trails. Initially, one of our friends, Jeje, struggled and almost wanted to turn back after just 30 minutes of hiking. Despite that, we encouraged Jeje to continue, walking at a relaxed pace and taking frequent breaks.


    The trail from Ranupani to Ranu Kumbolo had four checkpoint posts, each equipped with stalls selling various snacks and fruits. Personally, I enjoyed watermelon and fried snacks along the way. After reaching the third checkpoint, we took a long break as the trail to the fourth checkpoint was quite steep and challenging. We arrived at the Ranu Kumbolo base camp around 6 pm after about 7 hours of hiking. The view of Lake Ranu Kumbolo from the fourth checkpoint was breathtaking. We set up tents, cooked dinner, and cleaned up before resting. The next morning, we woke up early to witness the stunning sunrise over Lake Ranu Kumbolo. The serene atmosphere, coupled with the cool mountain air, made it one of the best moments of the trip. We also began cooking and preparing to continue the trek. Around 10 am, after tidying up everything, we resumed the journey through the "Bukit Cinta" (Love Hill). The ascent was quite steep and required extra effort, but the view was worth it. During the hike, one of our friends, Jeje, felt exhausted and had to rest. We walked slowly, taking frequent breaks, to ensure Jeje could continue. Upon reaching the summit of "Bukit Cinta," we rested for a long time to admire the beauty of Lake Ranu Kumbolo and the vast expanse of Edelweiss flowers ahead. After spending time at "Bukit Cinta," we realized that we had forgotten something important back at Ranu Kumbolo. Andre and I went back down to retrieve a water jug we had left behind because it was crucial for our journey to Kalimati. Upon returning, we felt drained and exhausted.

   The next part of the trail was downhill, call "Oro Oro Ombo" and traversing a vast field of edelweiss flowers. We reached the Cemoro Kandang checkpoint, rested, and continued to the next checkpoint, taking our time and replenishing our energy with snacks purchased along the way. Two of our friends, Moko and Adnan, hurried ahead to fetch water from the Kalimati spring, while the rest of us proceeded at a leisurely pace. We reached the Kalimati checkpoint around 5 pm, where we set up tents and prepared for the midnight ascent to the summit. Kalimati is the last base camp located at the foot of Mount Semeru, about 3 km from the peak of Mahameru. We had to start the ascent at midnight to reach the summit at sunrise. Typically, the journey from Kalimati to the peak takes about 5 hours, so we needed to start hikeing at 1 am to arrive by 5 or 6 am. However, due to our relaxed pace, we began the hike at 11 pm.

    Before the ascent, we had a light meal to provide energy. We only brought food and drinks for the hike, leaving the rest of our belongings in the Kalimati tent. Our group of eight, consisting of three women (my girlfriend, Resti, Jeje) and five men (myself, Andre, Andri, Adnan, and Yugo), with Yugo serving as our guide as he had hiked Semeru several times before, started the hike. The first two hours of the ascent were quite tense as we navigated through the dark forest and steep terrain, testing our adrenaline. Unfortunately, Jeje felt nauseous and couldn't continue to the summit. She decided to return to the Kalimati tent, accompanied by Yugo. The remaining six of us continued to the summit, encountering increasingly challenging terrain as we ascended into the rocky slopes and loose gravel after vegetation border. After traversing half of the steep sandy terrain my girlfriend soon experienced fatigue and stomach pain. We encouraged her to keep going, but safety was our priority, and if she couldn't continue, I promised to accompany her back down. She decided to stay behind, and we watched the sunrise together from our high vantage point. Resti, Adnan, Andre, and Andri continued the hike to the summit.

      After about 30 minutes of solitude, my girlfriend and I decided to descend because the cold air was making us shiver, which wasn't good. We descended slowly back to the Kalimati checkpoint, where Moko, Yugo, and Jeje were waiting. We reached Kalimati around 6 am, where we enjoyed the beautiful morning scenery, took photos with Mount Semeru in the background, cooked breakfast, and cleaned up before starting the descent to Ranupani. As we waited until 11 a.m. for the other four friends who hadn't arrived yet, even the last hiker who reached Kalimati didn't see them. We were deeply concerned at that moment. On one side, we had to descend that day and report back from the hike since our hiking permit was only for 3 days and 2 nights. We divided into groups where Moko and Yogo attempted to hike to the vegetation limit to find our other four friends, while I was asked to accompany two hikers from Malang named Lius and David to descend as quickly as possible to reach Ranu Pani before 4 p.m., the deadline for our hiking permit. Since I had to descend quickly, Utari and Jeje continued to wait for the others to arrive at the Kalimati tent. I hastily grabbed my backpack and some supplies.

    Around noon, I, along with David and Lius, ran down from Kalimati without stopping until we reached Ranu Kumbolo at 2 p.m. to rest for a moment and collect the garbage we had left the day before. We then continued our journey back to Ranu Pani. Lius had been consistently ahead of me and David during the descent. Between posts 3 and 2, where Lius was resting with two other hikers, we caught up with them and rested together. At that moment, Lius experienced a cramp in his leg and told me to descend first and entrusted his hiking permit to me so that I could reach Ranu Pani by exactly 4 p.m. to report our descent. I descended alone, carrying two hiking permits from our group plus one from Lius's group. I ran as fast as possible without stopping because the terrain was quite easy and downhill. After passing post 1, the weather changed and it started raining. When I reached for the raincoat, I found Utari's raincoat in my bag that had been left earlier, hoping they wouldn't get soaked.

    Around 4:15 p.m., the Semeru security post had closed, but thankfully, they still accepted our mountain descent report for our group and asked about the whereabouts of the group members and the other two groups, wondering why I only had the hiking permits from their group. I could only deny that they were still on their way down, suggesting that the presence of a woman was slowing them down. Thankfully, they accepted that reason and checked for garbage and ID returns. It was a crazy thing I did, needing 2 days to hike from Ranu Pani to Kalimati, but I didn't expect to descend from Kalimati to Ranu Pani in just 4 hours by running without stopping. After returning to the Ranu Pani village post, I cleaned up and waited at the post hall for my friends and David and Lius. At that moment, there was a great worry about the condition of my friends whom I hadn't heard from yet because there was no communication connection in the forest, so we couldn't send each other any news.

       As darkness fell, they hadn't arrived yet, and without any news, but the rain continued to pour, making me even more worried. Around 7 p.m., the driver who brought us there was anxious and waiting for the others. Around 8 p.m., I received a message from Jeje, whose phone still had battery, informing me that they were all on their way down and split into two groups. The three people who had reached the summit, Resti, Adnan, and Andri, rested at Ranu Kumbolo because they were very tired. The other group, Utari, Jeje, Moko, and two hikers from Lius’s group, rested at post 2, where there was a bit of signal. Andre and Yugo continued to descend despite the darkness and rain. Upon receiving that news, I felt calmer, but I hadn't received any news from David and Lius yet. While waiting for them, I planned to stay overnight at the Ranu Pani village post hall with two other hikers.

        Around 10 p.m., while we were having coffee, David came to get me and asked for Lius's hiking permit from their group and his ID. He also said that Lius was evacuated by the rescue team because he sprained his foot. David asked me to go to the Ranu Pani security post to provide a statement. When I arrived at the post, I saw Lius sitting with a sprained foot being treated. David and I provided the statement of our descent. We spent quite a long time at the security post chatting and having tea with the officers until midnight, then the officers suggested that we rest at the nearby hiking post. We then carried Lius with the help of the officers to rest at the post.

       The next morning, I saw Andre and Yugo resting at the post hall. The three of us were still waiting for the arrival of the other friends. Fortunately, the driver who picked us up was very kind and patient. Around 10 a.m., Utari's group, Jeje, Moko, and Lius's two friends arrived. At that moment, I felt relieved. A few moments later, Resti's group, Adnan, and Andri also arrived at Ranu Pani. We all gathered again, cleaned up, showered, and tidied up our equipment to return to Tumpang. Meanwhile, I had an online class that morning. We returned to Tumpang to return the rented items and pack all our belongings to go to Yugo's house in Malang. After arriving at Yugo's house in the evening, we were all exhausted, but we were warmly welcomed by Yugo's family. We were asked to rest and stay there for the night. We ate together, shared stories, and talked about our hiking experience, where there were many unforgettable moments. After spending a long time together, we started to rest because the next morning, Utari and I had to go to the train station, where we had to return to Bali earlier because I had exams for several courses.

    The next morning, after showering, eating, and packing, we were taken to the train station by the other friends. During the train journey to Surabaya, it turned out that Utari forgot to bring her wallet, which was left at Yugo's house. The wallet contained an ID for the flight tickets from Surabaya to Bali. We contacted our other friends to bring back the wallet to Bali. During the train journey, we kept hoping that Utari could still board the plane. Thankfully, upon arriving at Juanda Airport in Surabaya and showing her ID photo, she was able to board the flight back to Bali. We arrived in Bali in the evening, very tired after the long 6-day adventure, but the adventure would be an extraordinary and unforgettable experience.

    In conclusion, my journey to Mount Semeru was filled with challenges, camaraderie, and moments of both joy and worry. From meticulous planning to facing unexpected hurdles during the hike, every moment was a learning experience. Despite not reaching the summit, the bonds forged with my friends and the memories created will forever remain cherished. It was an adventure of a lifetime, one that taught me the importance of perseverance, teamwork, and cherishing every moment of the journey.

Semeru April 2021

Wednesday, March 22, 2023



    Hello, everyone! I want to share our exciting experience in Miami as we enjoyed the beauty of Miami Beach in the evening. Together with my friends, Miko and Jeanz, we decided to explore this stunning beach using electric skateboards. The three of us were interns at St Regis Balharbour Miami, and on that day, we had the same free time from our busy work schedule. We decided to make the most of it by embarking on an adventure and immersing ourselves in the natural beauty offered by Miami Beach.

With electric skateboards, we glided along the beach. The fresh air and ocean breeze greeted us as we joyfully rode along. The beach views and the mesmerizing sunset scenery captivated us. We could feel the soft white sand beneath our feet as we strolled along the shoreline. The clear blue sky and pristine waters created a breathtaking backdrop. While taking in the beautiful scenery, we also enjoyed the thrill of cruising on our electric skateboards along the coast. Throughout our journey, we didn't miss the chance to capture beautiful photos as lasting memories.

The presence of towering buildings near the beach added a modern touch and unique charm to the landscape. These magnificent towers became an inseparable part of the captivating panorama of Miami Beach. As the day transitioned into darkness, we decided to conclude our adventure and head back home. However, the beautiful memories remained etched in our hearts. This experience taught us the importance of appreciating the beauty of nature, spending quality time with friends, and creating precious moments in life.
Enjoying the beauty of Miami Beach in the evening with electric skateboards was a delightful and memorable experience. It made us realize the significance of taking the time to explore new places and appreciate the natural wonders that surround us. We hope our story inspires you to venture out and embrace the beauty of nature in your own surroundings, creating wonderful memories with your loved ones. Until our next adventure!

Monday, December 26, 2022



       Gunung Payung Beach, located on the southern coast of Bali, is a hidden gem that offers visitors a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of more popular tourist destinations. This remote and peaceful spot offers stunning views of the seascape and is named after the Pura Dhang Kahyangan Gunung Payung, a Balinese Hindu temple complex that sits atop a nearby cliff. The white sandy beach is located in the Kutuh village of South Kuta District, Badung district and is situated in close proximity to Pandawa beach, another popular tourist attraction in the South Badung area.

Experience the thrill of adventure and natural beauty as you make your way to Gunung Payung Beach, located just a half-hour drive away from Nusa Dua. As you travel down the main Jalan Gunung Payung road, you'll be surrounded by the lush greens of the 18-hole Bukit Pandawa Golf Club and the rugged limestone terrain. Keep an eye out for grey long-tailed macaques, which are known to be shyer than those found in the Uluwatu Monkey Forest.

This coastal area relies on the participation of visitors in keeping it clean, so be sure to do your part by not littering. The entrance fee for Gunung Payung beach attraction is IDR 4,000 per person, and parking for two-wheeled vehicles is IDR 2,000 and for cars IDR 5,000. The beach is managed by the Kutuh traditional village, as is the case with Pandawa beach. In the parking area near the Gunung Payung temple, you'll find ample parking, toilets, and food and beverage stalls.

As you approach the cliff edge after visiting the temple, you'll be greeted by breathtaking ocean views and the soothing sounds of waves crashing below. The beach can only be accessed by a steep flight of stairs, around 300 in total, so it's recommended for fit and determined visitors. Once you reach the beach, you'll find clear waters with deep green patches, which are the growing grounds for local seaweed farmers. The sand is deep and coarse, and the waters are calm, making it perfect for snorkeling.

For those seeking an even greater thrill, head to the hill of Kutuh village east of Gunung Payung temple, where you can try your hand at paragliding. Soar above the coast of Gunung Payung with the help of experienced parachute pilots. With so many unique and exciting experiences to be had, Gunung Payung Beach is a must-visit destination for any adventure-seeker.

Discovering the secluded Gunung Payung Beach requires a bit of effort, but the reward is an untouched paradise free from vendors. Make sure to pack your own water and snacks to enjoy while basking in the natural beauty of the surroundings. The calm waters, protected by natural reef barriers, are perfect for swimming, but be cautious of sea urchins and high tide conditions as there are no lifeguards on duty.

Saturday, October 22, 2022



Located in Tentena Indonesia Saluopa Waterfall is a breathtaking destination that provides natural beauty and tranquility for visitors. The waterfall is nestled in the heart of the Saluopa forest, which boasts diverse flora and fauna. Standing at around 50 meters tall. 

The waterfall is fed by a natural spring and offers visitors an ideal spot for swimming and picnicking. As one journey along the trail to reach this marvel. They will be surrounded by lush foliage which makes it perfect for bird watching. 

Guests can take a guided tour within the forest to discover information about unique plant and animal species that make it their home. Additionally. Traditional villages scattered throughout the forest invite visitors who are interested in learning more about local traditions. With its location being approximately 10 km from Tentena city center getting there by car or motorbike should be easy. Additionally, public transportation options are also available. To get the most out of your trip hiring a guide would ensure you have all relevant information regarding Saluopa Falls and its environs as entrance fees are minimalistic but required before entering this wonderland. The area is well maintained adding to visitor safety while camping or hiking through this ancient site. 

Saluopa Falls is an unforgettable place for nature enthusiasts as well as backpackers seeking solace within nature's embrace. As there are no food stalls at Salupa Falls or eating places nearby bringing your food and drinks will ensure you do not go hungry or thirsty while enjoying your time at Saluopa Falls. Its also wise to wear comfortable shoes on your visit to this locale especially since you may decide to take a dip in one of its pristine pools making it necessary to bring an extra change of clothes with you. As protection against sunburns and insect repellent; sunscreen lotions/sprays/insect repellents come highly recommended during this journey. 

In conclusion, Saluopa Waterfall is an absolute must-see for any enthusiast visiting Tentena. The natural beauty and tranquility offered by this place are unmatched making it a great getaway to enjoy peaceful moments away from the city's hustle and bustle. With its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, it offers visitors the perfect blend of adventure and relaxation. Just remember to plan your trip accordingly and take the necessary precautions and you are sure to have fun at Salupa Waterfall.

Thursday, October 21, 2021



Discover the hidden gem of Karang Boma Cliff, a lesser-known tourist destination that offers breathtaking views of the sea and beaches from the top of towering cliffs. The cliffs, known as Tanjung Mebulu, provide a natural vantage point, while the area's name, Karang Boma, is derived from the Pura Pucak Karang Boma temple located nearby. Come explore this picturesque area and be awed by its natural beauty.

Discover the hidden gem of Karang Boma Cliff, located in the stunning village of Pecatu, South Kuta. Just a short 30-45 minute drive from Ngurah Rai airport, this natural wonder can be easily navigated with the help of maps or GPS. The road leading to Karang Boma offers great access, but be prepared for a short walk as four-wheeled cars are not permitted past a certain point. Motorbike riders can park and continue on foot for a mere 5 minutes to reach the breathtaking cliffs of boma coral. Limited parking is available as the area is primarily a temple park. Enjoy this serene and undiscovered destination for free, as there is no entry fee. Occasionally, a small parking fee of IDR 5,000 may be required.

The Karang Boma Cliff tourist attraction does offer beautiful views from the top of high hill cliffs, like the high cliffs in the Uluwatu area, this area offers the same natural beauty, but specifically, Karang Boma Cliff is not widely known, so there are not so many visitors. But it has a very beautiful photo spot, especially during the afternoon. If you schedule a tour to Uluwatu, because this place is in the same direction, then you can add a tour to this place, because it won't take up much time.


  • Visit Karang Boma Cliff in the afternoon to catch the beautiful sunset from the top of the high cliffs.
  • Bring friends, family or a loved one to make the experience more enjoyable and memorable.
  • Use a motorbike for transportation as it is faster and parking is closer, only a 5-minute walk away.
  • Pack a camera, snacks, drinks, and a mat to fully enjoy the sunset.
  • Remember to dispose of any trash properly before leaving the location.
  • Plan to leave before it gets too late as the road can be quiet at night.

#Enjoy Your Trip. Stay Healthy and Safe Travels during the Covid-19 Pandemic.



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Mike Armawa

Hi, my name is Mike Armawa and I am a 22-year-old living in the paradise of Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia. As a fresh graduate from the Bali Tourism Polytechnic with a major in Hotel Management, I have a deep understanding and passion for the hospitality and tourism industry. But what truly sets my heart on fire is exploring new places, cultures and sharing those experiences through creative outlets such as video editing, photography and writing on this blog. Follow my journey as I document my travels, share insider tips and turn my passion into a visually stunning and informative experience on my social media. Thank you for visiting my personal blog and please don't hesitate to leave comments or suggestions to improve it.


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